09. 26. 13. My Height. |
Day Six.
My Height.
Here I am trying to be tall or a superhero or both.
For as long as I can remember I've always been the tallest one. Well at least the tallest girl. I've always had to buy clothes that were made especially for tall people. I am now officially 5'10". My height was always something I would brag about even though typically it was one of my strongest insecurities. I've seen pictures and videos of me in junior high and I was always slouching in almost every single one.Yes I would and sometimes still do tease my friends about how short they are but I was truly the odd one out.
To Prom, all my friends wore high heels and had to pick up their dresses because they were too long. But I had a different problem. I couldn't find a dress that was long enough for me. I wanted to wear heels to look pretty but I ended up towering over everyone and I took 'em off after the first 10 excruciating minutes. I also realized that at work I am the second tallest girl at the store. There's one in the kitchen who is taller than me but besides that I'm it. I have to specially order pants that are long enough for me which I'm used to. Doctors have said I should be a model because of my height, which honestly I wouldn't mind being. But anyways as you can imagine, my height has always been something that I wish I could change. My father is 6'4" so there is pretty much no chance that any of my siblings are going to be short either. In fact, I'm probably going to be the shortest. My younger sister who is only 14 is less than an inch shorter than me.
We as people always look to someone for direction, someone to be the leader; even if they don't know what they're doing. We love superheroes and soldiers because they step up to the plate. Maybe this has nothing to do with height. But when someone is tall you literally look up to them, even if you don't look up to them as a person, right? One thing I've been thinking about lately is my leadership abilities. Since junior high, people have always told me a natural born leader. I serve, and that's seen as leadership. I've been yearbook editor-in-chief, patrol leader, secretary, student leader; all these things because I wanted to help out. What if I was made to be tall so people would look up to me? I'm already a leader I think, so maybe the extra height was an added bonus? I don't know maybe that might be a stretch of the imagination. It's just an idea. Maybe I'm just tall so my sister can have someone the same height as her to share in the struggles of tallness.
Either way, God made you your height for a reason. Whether it be to reach tall shelves and be able to do harder work or to be a compact, ice skater so you can fly easier through the air. I don't know. Sometimes we never know the purpose for having something. All I do know is it will come in handy one day. That's why you were designed with it. As much as being tall can be hassle, I like it. I know I am the way I am for a reason; and I am beautiful.
(P.S. Sorry I didn't post this first thing this morning! I was cramming before my math test!)