Wednesday, October 2, 2013

10. 02. 13. Purity.

10. 02. 13. Purity.

Day Twelve.

Most of my generation, the up and comings, the teenagers, are not pure. They have given their purity over to someone else hoping that it'll give them happiness and fulfillment when most of the time it leaves them empty and wanting more chasing after the next feeling. All anyone ever wants is to be truly, deeply loved. We run to our friends, to our families, to our significant others, to our spouses, searching for the one thing that can satisfy us. The one thing that will make us feel accepted and like we're good enough. People run and look and scour for their heart's desire which is love but they look in all the wrong places. We will never be satisfied. We will never be able to fill that gap in each other's hearts. There is only one thing that can fill your heart. Not your family, not your friends but Jehovah.They will never be enough. But He will. They will you let you down, but He never will.

I am proud to say I am pure. I have never kissed anyone. I have never given anything away. Not many of my peers can say the same. I wear a purity ring to remind myself of my promise. I've promised not to give any of that away. Yes, the older I get the more people think I'm engaged; but I kinda am, to the Creator of the Universe. He will give me away in His time, but for now I'm all His.

Christ has made me pure. Any mistakes I have made, He has washed it clean. I am pure in his eyes, and those are the only eyes I seek approval from. Those are the only eyes I ever want to seek approval from.

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