Saturday, October 5, 2013

10. 05. 13. Prophecy.

10. 05. 13. Prophecy.

Day Fifteen.

I won't deny that I have the gift of prophecy. Somehow God allows me to sometimes see things that are going to happen. I have discernment and can see things happen. Somethings that I don't want to happen, I know will happen. I won't go into details about different things that I think will happen until they come to pass and are proven true. But I do thank the Lord for the things he has saved me from by showing the consequences to me before hand. I do thank him for everything he has said to me. I thank him that he has given me this gift even though I don't know how to use it right now. It says in 2 Timothy somewhere along the lines that in the last days your sons and daughters will have the gift of prophecy and will see visions and have dreams. I know I am prophetic. One of my friends is an interpreter. What if this is talking about us and others who don't even realize their gifts yet?

If God has given you a gift, don't hide it away. Let him use it for its intended purposes. You may not see the reasons right now but he will show even if in eternity.

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