Saturday, September 28, 2013

09. 28. 13. My Smartness.

09. 28. 13. My Smartness.
Day Eight.
My Smartness.

So I'm a natural blonde which I get teased about a lot. But I really am a smart person. Up until sophomore year I was a straight A student. I was homeschooled up until freshmen year and did TCA part time twice a week for years. Once I hit sophomore year I started taking college classes in high school. See smartness. While I was at TCA I learned how to write and have known how ever since. I'm also a tinker as some would say. I love to mess with something and figure how it works and then be able to fix it or even just to fix things. It's always been joked that I should dye my hair brown because I don't act blonde normally. I just love being me.

We have brains for a reason and I'm so grateful for the one I've got. It guides the way I think. I feel like a super smart person and I thank the Lord so much for that. I enjoy my nerdiness and quirkiness and smartness and I know God does too!

(Sorry this one is shorter than the others I hope you enjoy it anyways!)

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