Monday, January 25, 2016

Prayers for my Future Husband - Day 5

Dear Jesus,

I might not know who my future husband is but I do know that he is the man you have hand-picked for me. You know his strengths and weakness as well as mine. I know that you will bring us together in your timing, in your will and in your power. Help the both of us to trust you for everything. Help us to rely on you for true happiness and contentedness instead of each other. 

I know that whatever lies ahead in our future together that you will be with us. I pray that every decision that my future husband and I make leading up to the day we marry will be one made seeking your wisdom. Please help us to choose to do the right thing, always. Please guard and protect both of our hearts. Be the center of our lives, our relationship and our future. 

Bring us together under you and for your glory, Jesus. Bless my future husband today, give him joy, give him a heart for you and a heart for others. Don't let the pressures and demands of the world around him bring him down. Please shield and uphold him with your righteous right hand. I ask all of these things in Your Holy Name. 

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