My sister and I really relate to the characters in the story. Now I don't have secret ice powers or anything, but for a lot of my life I lived in fear and honestly didn't get to close to anyone to protect myself from being hurt. I struggle with and work really hard at being transparent and not disguising who I am with white lies. I've been working hard to wear everything on my sleeve, so when I am fully exposed I won't be ashamed. I don't let anyone close; it might seem like i do, but i don't normally. So if you are close it's a big deal. And I see these traits in Elsa, she hides things and never lets anyone close, she lies and hides her powers. Conceal, don't feel. But then she realizes letting go of those precious secrets will truly set her free. She doesn't have to live in fear anymore.
Also my sister and I have literally had almost the same exact relationship as Elsa and Anna. We used to be best friends when we were little, then we faded apart when I went to high school, until about a year and a half ago. I love Brianna with all my heart, and she's gone through a lot and I wasn't always there for her like I should've been. I spent a ton of time in my room whenever I was home, and now I'm constantly at work or school to avoid being home. But i realized by separating myself from that home environment, I was separating myself from her. Elsa was separated from her sister and she didn't know how to fix it. It tore her to pieces inside, it caused a storm inside that she could never escape. But once she reached a certain age, she realized that she might not be able to fix the problem, but she didn't have to hide to fix it. She became herself and realized being proud of who she was wasn't a wrong thing to do. She didn't have to hide who she was to get her parents acceptance, because that's who she was and they loved her no matter who she was.
I am terrified of never seeing my sister again, or not being there when she needs me. I love her so much, like more than words can ever describe. I've had people comment on us, and say they had no idea sisters were so loving towards one another, but it's because we missed so much time together and I'm terrified of her being gone from my life. I think Elsa and Anna feel the same way, maybe not for the same reasons, but a lot of our feelings are the same. So I'm sorry that we both post about it all the time, but that is why.